Locker Room Monitors

It is the policy of USA Hockey & District 2 Hockey, that there be at least one responsible (screened) adult present monitoring the locker room during all team events. As such, each team will assign a Locker Room Monitor during each game, practice, and other applicable team events.

Please complete the following items to become a locker room monitor:

The Locker Room Monitor on duty for each team will be responsible for monitoring the locker room during practices and games, as appropriate, in an effort to prevent, reduce, and eliminate adverse and harmful behavior and uphold a safe environment and the USA Hockey Safe Sport Program.


The Locker Room Monitor should report any adverse behavior or events to the Safe Sport Coordinator or a Board Member. Acceptable locker room monitoring could include having the Locker Room Monitor inside the locker room while participants are in the room, or located just outside the locker room door. The monitor should be near the door and within arm‘s length so the monitor can hear inside the locker room. It is recommended if standing outside the door that the monitors enter regularly and frequently.

Locker Room Monitors shall provide supervision to help watch for, prevent, and/or report the following harmful behavior:

• Physical abuse: intentional threats of harming a person or intentionally hitting.

• Emotional abuse: a formed pattern of deliberate non-contact behavior that cause emotional harm.

• Bullying: the use of coercion to gain control over another person or being cruel to them

• Threats: this can be in written, verbal, physical or electronic.

• Harassment: any pattern of physical or non-physical behaviors that intended to cause fear humiliation, offend, degrade, create a hostile environment, or be discriminatory to an individual.

• Sexual harassment: unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favor, verbal and non-verbal or conduct of sexual nature may be considered sexual harassment.

• Hazing: conduct that is intimidating, humiliation, offensive or physically harmful.

• Use of cell phones: no cell phones or recording devices are allowed in a locker room.

It is emphasized that there is “zero tolerance” for abuse or misconduct. To assist in and support this, please ensure that all players and parents review the codes of conduct.

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